Rules And Policies

General Rules and Policies:

  1. Any act of manhandling, group fighting, intimidation or violence, wilful damage to property or drunken behaviour will be considered as a serious offence. Strict punitive action will be taken against person/s involved in such activities.
  2. The students shall not indulge in any immoral act and misbehaviour with any staff/service provider, dining hall staff, dining committee members, hospitality manager, hall of residence manager, caretaker, etc.,. It will lead to strict disciplinary action. Your conduct and language should reflect the reputation of the Institute.
  3. All hostellers must dine in the central dining facility with any one of the caterers.
  4. Cooking is strictly prohibited in hostels.
  5. Meals will be served strictly during indicated timings of operation only.
  6. In case of illness, sick diet will be provided to the students upon receipt of a written advice from the Institute Health Centre. Hall residents are advised to inform the caterer in advance about the requirement of any special meal.
  7. Hall residents should not take the utensils/food outside the dining hall. (Exempted only under circumstances mentioned in rule no. 6)
  8. No hall resident is allowed to enter the kitchen area except for the Students’ Dining Committee who are involved in inspection of kitchen and store area.
  9. No meals should be shared with other students under any circumstances. Plates should be taken individually by each student.
  10. Only those Suggestions/Complaints which are submitted through the Hall of Residence Portal and/or through the Student Gymkhana body will be considered. The language used for such purpose should be strictly official and the complaint should be objective, rather than emotive.
  11. Students are advised to approach appropriate authority and are strictly prohibited to use social media/press/mass emailing of IITI community members as a platform to address their grievances.
  12. The Institute strictly prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students in campus and it reserves the right to take strict action, expulsion from Hall of Residence to expulsion from the institute.
  13. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the central dining facility building and defaulters will be subjected to disciplinary action.
  14. Non-compliance of rules 1-13 may lead to disciplinary action decided by Wardens/Hall of Residence staff.
  15. The decision regarding fines and penalties imposed is non-negotiable; hence no discussion/ argument will be entertained.

Rebate Rules

  1. Mess is mandatory for Hostellers. Students cannot mess out on their own and cannot claim mess rebate for the same.
  2. Residents, desirous of availing mess rebate, will be required to inform the caterer, through the Dining Committee,
  3. All rebate requests are to be filled in the prescribed form and no email request will be entertained.
  4. As per current rules, short term rebate can be applied for a minimum of 2-7 consecutive days. Further, a maximum of 8 days/month of rebate can be availed in short term rebate.
  5. For a period exceeding 7 consecutive days, residents are to apply for long term rebate duly recommended by the concerned Faculty Advisor/Supervisor/HoD.
  6. All recommended applications for a rebate should be submitted to the Dining Office, two days before the day of commencement of rebate period, latest by 5 p.m.
  7. No resident, who is on rebate, will be allowed to avail the mess facility based on extras or guest of other residents.
  8. Full rebate is admissible on below mentioned cases, subject to providing information to the Caterer, through the Dining Committee, as mentioned Para 1 of Rebate Rules:
    • Resident is on vacation leave during the vacation period declared by the Institute.
    • Resident is out of station and needs to supported by documentary proof from the concerned department or Institute i.e. Faculty Advisor/Supervisor/DPGC Convener/ HoD/ Project Coordinator.
    • Resident is on medical leave as certified by Institute Health Centre.
    • Resident is unable to take mess food owing to health reasons as certified by Health Centre.
  9. Residents found violating any of the above-mentioned rules will be fined with a penalty which will be deposited in the Institute account.
  10. The rebate rules are subject to change from time to time and the latest rules prevails.